Thursday, November 18, 2010
Good, Bad, or Ugly
Throughout this week and last week, we have been having Lit Circles with a twist. We have been collaborating with partners or in groups to create a lit circle. For this assignment, there are good, and bad sides to it. There are quite a few benefits that I would like to tell you about. There are also some challenges I'd like to share. And, well, what did I really get out of it? You will read about all these when you read this post.
When we did this Lit circle, I found that there are many benefits thats helped me through it. One of them was not having to do all the work. In this activity you were not responsible for doing all the work. You also had an advantage by having others being able to help you. For example, if you were ever stuck, you could always ask for some help. And if something went wrong, then you can blame EVERYONE. You would never be alone. Another thing that I found good was having people to keep you grounded, your partners helped you get work done on time, such as a due date. They also gave you constructive criticism. As you can see, there are many benefits, and advantages, but there is also some downsides to this assignment.
Although I liked this assignment best out of all other Lit circles, there were still quite a few challenges to it. To start off, one of the things I thought was challenging was being in different locations. For example, over the week end, it would be hard to work on the project, if you didn't meet them somewhere. Although people were only responsible for 1/2 or 1/3 of the work, sometimes you might have done more work than you were suppose to because of your classmates. Another hard thing with this was when writing, sometimes you want to do more, but you can only do an amount of work, for instance, you could not do other people's work because then they don't do any of it! Sometimes it would also be hard to communicate effectively because we couldn't talk over the weekend, which is why google docs is a very good tool to use on these assignments.
As you can see, this assignment was great, but had some disadvantages. Some things helped me a lot. Yet some made it even harder.
Although I liked this assignment best out of all other Lit circles, there were still quite a few challenges to it. To start off, one of the things I thought was challenging was being in different locations. For example, over the week end, it would be hard to work on the project, if you didn't meet them somewhere. Although people were only responsible for 1/2 or 1/3 of the work, sometimes you might have done more work than you were suppose to because of your classmates. Another hard thing with this was when writing, sometimes you want to do more, but you can only do an amount of work, for instance, you could not do other people's work because then they don't do any of it! Sometimes it would also be hard to communicate effectively because we couldn't talk over the weekend, which is why google docs is a very good tool to use on these assignments.
As you can see, this assignment was great, but had some disadvantages. Some things helped me a lot. Yet some made it even harder.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
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Hatchet. This is the tittle of the book I have been reading for literature circles. For me this book is very interesting, there is lots of action, mystery, and survival guiding tips. Well, some question Mr. Thomas had for us, such as How did your discussion help your understanding of the novel? He also wanted to know some connections we made with the book. Another question that Mr. Thomas asked had been What Do You Predict Will Happen in the Book?
How did my discussion with my group help my understanding? Well, did it? In my opinion, I think it did, well, most of it at least. In the discussion, I thought it was very helpful to see other people perspectives on the book. The questions also answered that I had never really thought about until then What foreshadows are given in this story. It also gave me a chance to hear many different answers. After hearing other people perspectives on the book, it gave me lots to think about.
I think that it is much easier to make connection with this book because the boy, Brian is described about the same age and he lives in a modern world. One of the connections I made with the book was when Brian is trying to call for help using the radio. It is not working, the boy gets so frustrated that he starts screaming into the radio. Then, he finds out that he needs to turn off HIS mike to hear anyone else. This has happened to me many times. Well, not the pilot dying or anything, but the trying so hard then falling back down again. It's like working your whole life to climb a huge mountain, then falling from the top of the mountain. OK maybe the situation that Brian was in wasn't life or death, but it was intense because you are thinking, NO NO NO! You have to answer the radio! But then after, you find what Brian really did wrong, and a sigh of relief comes through your body. In my opinion, after this happens, you feel pretty stupid, don't you?
Predictions. Everyone has different ones but I think that this book is going to have a happy ending. Well, almost a happy ending, I think this book will end like Call it Courage by Armstrong Sperry. I think that Brian is going to meet trouble along the way, in the woods. But, remember, he does have the hatchet. The hatchet has to tie into the story. Everyone has different predictions, but how good are they?
Many people think that the literature circle are a waste of time, like I did, but now I have realized that Mr. Thomas set us this assignment because he wants us to go deeper into our thoughts, and share them with other people, see what they think of it, debate, not argue, debate over statements. I have found that it is actually worth the time and effort I have put into them.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why? So Many Questions But No Answers...
Australia, New Zealand are located so close, but why is Australia and New Zealand much more wealthier than Pappa New Guinea? Well, when I saw this question, my mind went blank! Im sure some of yours did too. But really, when you think about it, there are quite a few reasons to answer this question. Such as education and health. Why? So many questions but no answers.
Education. Maybe not everyone has it, but if papua New Guinea is in the same region as New Zealand and Australia, why does Papua New Guinea have less education? In Australia and New Zealand you receive the education and go to college, then start a career. These people would now, at this point in their lives, have lots, or a reasonable amount of money. These people now created more things for the future, such as more schools, buildings, and more houses. Some people may not go to school, but still small things in everyday life, like you would if you were in a school. In New Guinea there are not many places to go to schools because all the villages are in remote places and thus it is very expenses so facilities are very low.
Health. People of Papua New Guinea have big problems with HIV and AIDS. In Australia and New Zealand, they are fortune enough because of the education they get on these problems, they are taught how to take care of them selves. But in Papua New Guinea, people can not afford this type of education, there fore their population goes down and people become sick and ill.
As you can see, some places are more fortunate than others, and although Papua New Guinea is less wealthy than other places in their region, the people never give up. Hopefully one day with more assistance from Australia and New Zealand, Papua New Guinea can become equal. So many questions, and now answers...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bullying??!! What about courage?
Everyone experiences bullying or was a bully. But you should always have courage to stand up for you or some else. I once saw bullying been done, well not exactly, it was done by the internet, cyber bullying. I thought it was horrible, I don't think that just because you are mad at someone, it doesn't mean you have the right to bully them.
Well, this story began on a normal school day, and everything was fine. And then it happened. Everyone was called into the 5th grade pod. We were all seated. We were told that someone had sent an email, a very mean and offensive email, but, it was sent by a teachers account and obviously it wasn't a teacher. Although, no one knew who it was.
So we had this talk about, just own up, nothing bad will happen, you won't get in trouble, that kind of stuff, but still, no one said a thing. "Alright, now is your chance, tell us who sent the email, and if you know anything about this, please tell us as soon as possible" a moment of silence, still, no one.
Then we all went back to our classes, then the secret was let out, it leaked out to everyone, within an hour or two, everyone in 5th grade knew who sent the email, better known as, the bully! I knew they had done it! There was something suspicious about the way he looked at her, if only I had known what he had done, then I could have told her! But the only reason I didn't want to say anything was because I was scared of what he would do to me. I wasn't courageous, I should have been, like I said, people don't have the right to push around others.
What would I do different? Well, I would have agreed with my conscience and stood up for her. I would have said something to her to make sure that she felt secure and reassuring, make her feel like she wasn't alone. I'd have her tell someone else, so they could do something about it. She was my friend, how could I have not done something?
Nobody is perfect, even me and there is somethings I need to work on in life, like maybe listening to my friends problems more, instead of making them listen to me, become less selfish. So, then maybe, I could have more friends. I would also like to be more courages, I mean, I will be more courages! So I could stand up for everyone and stop bullying, the hero! Remember, just because someone is smaller, weaker, or as you might think, "different" doesn't mean you can torment, judge, harass, do make anyone feel bad.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Courage, do I have it?
My parents say I am "very courages" in a parent way, you know, when they say it just to make you feel good when you know that they lying. Well, there is one time when I know I was courages. Well, what exacty is courage first? Courage is bravery, feeling fearless, independent. Being courages means to be strong willed, being able to stand for yourself and others rights, being able to do something one fears.
Well, when I did show courage was the show of my life (well, back then) Night of the Notables. We each studied a person, a notable, kind of like your very own idol, someone to look up to, your very own role model. I studyed Amelia Earhart, I knew nothing about her until then. Then at the end of this unit, we would put on a play showing all that we have learned. That was my favorite part, but I always had stage fright although I loved going on stage and showing off. I had practiced and worked so hard so I did not want to mess things up. And after the play, we would share our "black boards" This was a poster which would tell all about your own notable. As I said I couldn't wait. It took us weeks of researching and and rehearses. It was coming, only a few more days until the actual Night of the Notables. Everyone was working hard to memorize lines, glue pictures onto their blackboard and practicing songs.
Finally, it was the night. Although I couldn't wait, I was also terrified by the amount of people there were, my whole class was counting on me, how could I mess this up? Questions roamed through my head, what if I forget my lines? What if I go to the wrong spot on stage? What if? As the parents were given a speech by the principle, we entered through the back. At last, the lights went down, show time! We got into our lines, and then the music turned on, the lights lit up the stage as we skipped on and off. Then, the first act, I waited seated in my spot impatiently. I sat there, bored out of my mind, waiting for our turn to finally get on stage. Then I patently watched the last act before ours, I couldn't believe it! It was almost over, but not just yet.
Then it was our cue, everyone walked on the stage, we all got into our places. Then I waited for my cue, there it was, my class mate and I said our line in unison. It went all as planned! It was perfect, but my turn wasn't over yet. I still had another line, which said alone. The music changed, that indicated that it was my line. I said my phares as loud and clear as I could. I must have said it right because my parents said they loved it! Then when everyone had sang their songs and said there lines, we all skipped once again, off the stage. I couldn't be convinced that it was all over, all that hard work would now be swept under the rug, but no, this night would be remembered forever in my mind.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?
Artifacts are ancient objects that people have left behind. These artifacts are anything made or used by people including clothing, tools, weapons and coins. Artifacts tell us a lot about humans where they lived, when they lived and what they liked. Although many people believe that early humans (or cave men as some might say) had little knowledge, artifacts tell us they very smart and able to survive with limited resources. For example, cave paintings and artifacts show us what animals existed and how hominids hunted these animals for their families to eat and how they used their skin and fur for clothing. Some scientists think that these cave paintings of animals were created because the hominids worshiped them and believed the animals had special powers to influence their lives.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Which one would I be?
I love crime shows, and mysteries like C.S.I. and bones, so if I had to choose of either archeologist, historians,and geographers, I would probably be an Archeologist.
1. I really like mysteries and in this job, you get to solve the biggest mysteries of all. For example, you can look at the bones from early humans from millions of years ago! You always have a mystery to solve which it what I like.
2. I love to learn knew things and find answers to all my questions, and some of the most obvious questions, where did we come from could finally be answered!
2. Also in this job, you have to do a lot research. I usually like research but only if it is an interesting subject, and in this case, I would like it!
3. I'm also interested in history- what things happened in the past and why.
Thanks to google for this picture
1. I really like mysteries and in this job, you get to solve the biggest mysteries of all. For example, you can look at the bones from early humans from millions of years ago! You always have a mystery to solve which it what I like.
2. I love to learn knew things and find answers to all my questions, and some of the most obvious questions, where did we come from could finally be answered!
2. Also in this job, you have to do a lot research. I usually like research but only if it is an interesting subject, and in this case, I would like it!
3. I'm also interested in history- what things happened in the past and why.
Thanks to google for this picture
Friday, August 6, 2010
All About Me
My name is Alexandra Flynn as it says, and I'm 11 years old and from Australia. Most people say that I come from a big family but theres only 6 of us. Ok maybe theres a lot but it doesn't seem like it to me. I have an older sister Maddy, an older brother, Nick, and a younger brother Harry. Then there's Mum and Dad. I also have 2 dogs, Rusty and Olly, but actually Rusty is not, well rusty at all, he's actually all white, and Olly we like to call, is the "dumb one", then there's Bell my cat who just roams around KL and never comes home, and I have a really nice maid. Im almost forgot to mention that i am MADLY in love with the one and only Justin Bieber! Most people say he sounds like a girl, but who cares, he still sounds good!
The 3 books I have last read were.....
Bad Girls Jacqueline Wilson
Double Act Jacqueline Wilson (I like her books a lot)
and Diamond Girls by of course... Jacqueline Wilson
The last movie I saw was a quater of the Last Song with one of my good friends.
I dont really have a goal for 6th grade, I just want to get above C's in all my classes.
And I want to make friends at least 3 new people.
I dont exactly have a memory of a holiday, I just like going with friends and we usually play zombies (a tag game) around the hotel then get in trouble by the manger.
The words that I think describe me are..... silly, energetic, fun, and somewhat scared.
And thats all about ME!
The 3 books I have last read were.....
Bad Girls Jacqueline Wilson
Double Act Jacqueline Wilson (I like her books a lot)
and Diamond Girls by of course... Jacqueline Wilson
The last movie I saw was a quater of the Last Song with one of my good friends.
I dont really have a goal for 6th grade, I just want to get above C's in all my classes.
And I want to make friends at least 3 new people.
I dont exactly have a memory of a holiday, I just like going with friends and we usually play zombies (a tag game) around the hotel then get in trouble by the manger.
The words that I think describe me are..... silly, energetic, fun, and somewhat scared.
And thats all about ME!
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