Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Making the Invisible, Visible: The first step

Making the Invisible, Visible: The first step

For this Humanities Human Rights project, our class has chosen to fight against the issue of Domestic Abuse, specifically in Malaysia. In the world today, there are 27 million slaves world wide, so obviously this is a pressing issue, this is why we thought it was so important to try and make a difference in Malaysia.

This project is important to the community and myself because majority of students and families at ISKL have maids, and some of these maids may have been abused in the past, or know someone who is being abused. This can help us because we know that we are helping someone who we care about which will make everyone more motivated to make the difference and to show his or her support.

While researching, I have come across a few surprising facts and pieces of information. I was very surprised as to how many modern-day slaves there are in the today worldwide. Another fact that made me realize how serious this problem is and how much we need to help was that there are more modern day slaves in the world today than every before, and slavery is not legal anywhere but it happens everywhere.

Learning about this issue makes me feel sad but also happy at the same time. It makes me sad to think about all the tragic events that have happened and all the things that are happening today. But it makes me feel good to know that I am really trying my best to make a difference. I like this project because we get to do things that really make a difference and can not only impact ourselves, (for example: our individual grades) but can also impact the rest of ISKL and Kuala Lumpur. 

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