Monday, September 12, 2011

Behind the Name

My Name

Darcey, Bridget, Molly...None of those names fit me. When my parents told me they considered calling me, those names, I nearly vomited. Not that names like Bridget, Molly and Darcey aren’t good ones; it’s just that Alexandra is so much better. When you say it, it just rolls off your tongue and you know exactly who you’re talking about. Whenever I say my name, I hate it; it never seems right. It doesn’t feel like my name -- almost like I am a whole different person.

When I was younger, I was sure I would legally change my name to Charlie. First of all I really liked the name, and second of all it was the name of my favorite star from the show Hi-5. I never really liked my name when I was younger, but as I got older I started to enjoy it more. In my family everyone has normal names, names that are so common like Nick, Maddy, Harry... but my name, it was so different to me. If I can remember right, I’ve only ever met at least 3 Alexandra’s. 3, that’s it. Can you believe how many Maddy, Nick, or Harry’s I would have met if I counted them all.

Teasing. No one ever really teased me. Nothing that ever really hurt. Some people would tell me I was “definitely” a boy, for they called me Alex, but I never took any of that too seriously. Alex is something everyone has been calling me since I was in 1st grade. I never even wanted people to call me Alex; I thought it was a boy’s name. In fact I hated it. Everyone started calling me it because they said Alexandra was to long. When I moved from place to place, I guess it just stuck with me.

I think Alexandra fits me perfectly. It describes exactly who I am; Different, but shy at the same time, not afraid to tell people who I am. Everything I am, amusing, lovely, cheerful. I could go on forever on what this names means to me. Well, I love it, and I’m glad my name is what it is.

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