Sunday, May 29, 2011

This is my movie trailer for a fake movie that recreates the story of an Aboriginal myth called Dreamtime

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Not as Bad as Everyone Says It Is

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

I think the piece of work that I am most proud of is my Lit Circles. When I first stared to do these, I hated them. I thought they were the worst things in the world because they took up so much time, and like Mr. Thomas says, you are required to think a lot in order to get a good grade. If you look back at my first couple of Lit Circles you can see that a lot of them I did not pass. But then if you look at the most recent Lit Circle you can see how much I have improved in my reading understanding and writing structure. Lit Circles have taught me a lot this year. Although everyone hates them, they really have helped. Now I think about my work so much more. This assignment has also taught to use my time wisely whether it in class or at home because due dates are always much closer than they seem.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

I think that my greatest challenge this year was also Lit Circles. Like I said, although they may have helped me be a better student and person this year, they weren't easy, and they weren't meant to be. Reading the book was the easy part. Then you had to write all your questions, passage, etc. That was the hard part. I think the reason I thought it was difficult was because you had to write so much, reason and give evidence to support your ideas. I also think that I thought that it was hard because it seemed like we had ages to work on the Lit Circle but before you know, the night before it's due and you've only got your 2 passages down. Like I said, the Lit Circle has definitely taught me one thing, and that is to use my time cleverly.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

I learned that when I put my mind to something I know I will get it done and do it well. I have also learned that I slack off sometimes. I know that I am capable of doing things, but then I never end up doing them. In the end, I always try to do my best, and get things done as soon as I can. I always try to make up an excuse for myself not to do my homework for example I say to myself that I can always do it later or if it's on the weekend I say I can always do it tomorrow.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved


Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think that I am the average student. I don't think that I am the best yet I don't think I am the worst. I think that my behavior is pretty good, I always try to have a positive attitude whether I've been having a good day or not fore my attitude will reflect on how well I will do in my classes and in life with friends, family and school.

b) Participation



Actively participate in class

Explanation: I think that I always participate during class. Although sometimes I may get off task or I may get distracted by talking to another person, I think think that in all, I participate a lot. When there is group discussions I try to answer the questions given, and try to orally answer them like required. So I believe that I do participate as much as I can during class.

c) Organization

Needs serious help


I'm super organized

Explanation: Although I highlighted Satisfactory, I think that I am at the bottom of the group or somewhere near it. I always liked to be organized, and in someways I am, but in others, I am not at all. For example, I am not organized in my time. I don’t do it purposely but I waste time. Whether it’s in class or at home, I waste time. Not always, like when I really want to get something done, then I will start it early, and then finish it in time and I will have done it and done it well.

d) Effort

Needs serious help


I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I think that I always try to do my best in all my classes and in everyday life, but I highlighted satisfactory because I don’t always go above and beyond. Sometimes I don’t think about what I could do to get a better grade before handing in the project, but when I do, I find that I enjoy working more and I will get a better mark for it.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to

Get more into reading and Lit Circles, I don’t think that I read enough. Although I really like books, I don't take the time to sit down and really get into one. I would really like to read book after book like other kids in the class. Lots of students just expect me to not read during for example in SSR and just pretend I am, but I really like reading. And I would like to prove those people wrong. That is why- if it’s a good book- then in someways I really like Lit Circles.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to

Use my time more wisely and get things done before the last minute. Lots of times I don’t always get my homework done on time because I get distracted or something. In 7th grade I really want to stop that. I would like to finish things such as important projects like Lit Circles and things like that before the night it’s due. Because less time wasting, leads to handing more homework/projects, and that leads to better grades!

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

I would like my teachers to know that I have loved the year. I thought it was a great start to middle school. Although at times I may have slacked off, or not given all my effort, in the end, I always tried to bring it back, and I have had a great time this year. I have met so many new teachers and students and I have learned to bond well with all of them. I have also learned lots of different learning techniques, and ways of learning that benefits me and how I will learn. So thank you very much!

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?

My favorite unit this year in humanities has been ancient egypt. Before I knew absolutely nothing about egypt and pharaohs. Now after that lesson, I am almost an expert, and although there is still lots to come, I am so happy that I have learned all of this. Not all of it was the most interesting, but most was very enjoyable.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?

I wish we could have spent more time on our last tic tac toes. I wish we could have had more time to research and learn about our empires. For example my empire was Ancient Rome and I would have liked to have learnt more about Rome and their culture. I think that if i had had more time I could have brought up the grade my group got. I thought we did pretty good, around the B's range, but I've always been expected to get around that area of grades, but now I want to raise the bar, and I want people to expect me to get A's, and I do want to get A's. And not all the time but I do get grades around the A range but I would like to change that. That is why it is also one of my goals for 7th grade. I know the year is not over yet so what ever projects or assignments I get next, I would like to do my absolute best, not just the average, but the best I can do!

  1. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

There is a lot to know about middle school and how it works and the teachers will not all teach you how it is done. So I am going to give you a few tips on how to survive middle school. Your teachers are probably telling you it is going to be torture and none of you will survive because one time you couldn’t hand in your homework on time. Well it is nothing like that, and all those stories about how the 8th graders are so scary, and they’ll shove you into lockers and never let you out. None of that is true, well most of it isn’t. I think everyone is gonna be fine but just a few tips to help to do well 1. Always get your work done on time, when you guys will start doing Lit circles, try to follow Mr. Thomas’ schedule or close to it. Trust me, it will help you a lot. 2. Try to memorize your locker combination so that you don’t have to call your friends over to open it for you every time you need to get something. 3. Keep your locker organized so that it’s easy to take out and put things in. This will also keep from papers getting crinkled, and projects getting ruined 4. Never keep food in your locker for more than a day, in fact done keep food in your locker at all. It will bring ants, and all kinds of bugs. Who knows, last year a kid grew a whole forest in hid jungle, so don’t keep any food in your locker.(water is fine though) 5. Be prepared for your next class and don’t waste your time during brakes. Although ten minutes is a lot, and at first, it seems like you have all the time in the world, but really, it’s not a lot at all. Some teachers at some point will let you out late, not on purpose, but you won’t always, and I suggest you don’t, always stop by Connie’s to get a drink or a cookie before class. This wastes a lot of your time and you won’t get to class in time. 6. Don’t take advantage of this freedom. A lot of people did this at the beginning of the year. For example when you go to the 6th grade deck you will see sort of a hill like wall. You will want to climb on it, and you will won’t to slide down it. And yes, it is kinda fun, but this is not a good idea. People will start to take advantage of the freedom, and then they will loose the privilege. They almost band the whole grade from then 6th grade deck. So those are just a few tips of mine that will hopefully help you during the year of 6th grade!